SQL-LITE based Sports Management System.

Project overview and inspiration.

The inspiration of this project was drawn from a previous coursework group project on creating a windows form software in C# which utilizes elements of SQL to store and manage data. I was in charge of code development and management while collaborating with my team members as to what was needed for the project. The main goal for this project was to implement a Sports management system software which manages staff, students and to monitor usage of items within the sports facility.


User login, sign-up and authentication

Users are authenticated depending on the assigned user type, password and user-name on login. If any of these do not match, the program will not allow a user to run the program and acces its features. A user can easily sign up to a system(if they havent signed up yet) and pick any user type they would like to be. There is a selection of 5 user types to select from which are Student, Personal Trainer, Volunteer, External user or Facility Manager. They can then set up a unique user name and any desired password.

User type features.

General customer use.

Each user type has access to different features in the application. Students, volunteers and External user have access to the same number of basic features because they are mainly customers to the facility. They can book appointments, cancel appointments, view appointments and manage their account.

Facility manager functionality.

The facility manager can manage all the employed staff and volunteers in the system. The facility manager can also manage hiring of items in the sports facility and deny/approve hiring of items in the facility. Items are automatically set to pending if the facility manager has not approved or denied hiring of a specific item in the facility.

The manager can also manage jobs of all the staff in the facility.

How to install.

How to install the software can be found here

Future work.

Implement a password authentication feature or a from of 2 factor authentication for the software.

Programming Language and Libraries Used.

The project is coded using C# programming language.

Tools used.

  • C# code base.
  • SQL.
  • Windows Forms.
  • Threading Tasks.